BRACES!! That is right, both of the girls went in on Friday to get BRACES! Don't get me wrong, we knew they were going to need them...eventually! We did not think it would be this soon, and we definitely didn't bank on both at the same time. Turns out that they need them for more than just cosmetic reasons, sooner rather than later. Good times, for everyone involved! They had mashed potatoes and bananas for dinner last night, yogurt for breakfast and pancakes for lunch. I am starting to run out of non-chew food ideas! Abs should only have them on for a year, but Ry may end up with them for three years, solid.(depending on how fast she looses the last of her baby teeth) We just keep telling them it will be worth it when they see their beautiful straight teeth smile when it is all said and done!
2015 Year in review
9 years ago
I didn't even know they did braces this young!
They look pretty stellar with the them, and I'm guessing they can still get all creative with rubber band colors?
I didn't think they did them that young either, but Spencer had them around that age. He also had them again later in middle school, so he got a double dose. Cooper is going in for his first ortho visit at the end of the month. Just keep telling yourself it's worth it!
Ahhh the braces. Good times indeed. They look lovely and what's not to like about pancakes, yogurt, pudding and bananas? It's amazing what those braces will do and the sooner they get it taken care of the better I'm told...Those two cuties can make pretty much anything look cool.
poor babies!
Yikes. I took Katie in recently thinking they would tell me to come back when she is 12. Nope. She gets them on her front 4 teeth in 2 weeks, for 8 months. Then she gets to have them again when she is 12. Chase will get his in the fall. I feel your pain.
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