Dec 9, 2008


The girls have always made the gingerbread houses with their grandma Ann, from scratch. As it turned out they did not make one last year because we had just moved away. I have just discovered the gingerbread house kits and wow are they so much easier. Grandma was not here this time, but the tradition must go on!

They had to take turns putting the candy on. I love the arm of spiderwebs!

The final product!


Kristy said...

Yours turned out way better then ours. I am waiting for ours to just fall apart any day now. And little fingers keep picking off the candy!

Sassy Rachel said...

Ok that is too cute! I am loving your pictures. I also love the header pic with the girls in hats. They are so beautiful allison! Our trees should meet...I think they'd be great friends if yours isn't too turned off by ours:)

Lost Woman said...

How fun! I hope you skyped grandma Ann somewhere in there so she could be in on it too.

michandler said...

We usually do one too--although never from scratch always from a kit. They are lots of fun. Those girls just get cuter by the day. I was way behind. I hadn't seen the Halloween ones! (The last couple times I came to your blog I couldn't get it to download--my internet connection is pretty slow!) Glad I got to see it this time.

Bingham Family said...

I love the picture of the girls with there cute snow hats. Wow look at that gingerbread house. You girls did a great job:)

Ashley said...

Yes the mix of all those arms is to funny! :) Looks good girls!

Marie said...


Melissa said...

Cute cute cute, from the girls, to the spiderweb of arms, to the finished gingerbread house! What a great post.

Lyndsey said...

Love the gingerbread! Why did you use the pose? THe girls would have done it perfect.

Unknown said...

Very cute pictures! They really are adorable little girls!