This was hard for me, I feel like I am stretching it a bit!
1. Every toy that has hair is braided at my house. Barbie’s and My Little Ponies are at the top of the list. I HATE it when the hair gets ratty; especially when it is brushed it is still matted and gross.
2. Syrup is not allowed to touch my eggs or bacon. I will have separate servings, with eggs first, in order to keep this from happening, unlike my husband who piles all of it together on purpose, ewww.
3. I am the procrastinator of all procrastinators. I think that I thrive on the stress of running around like a mad lady trying to make it work the last minute. This then becomes a factor with #4.
4. I am never early. If I am lucky, I am right on time, but never early. If I start early, I relax because I think "I've got lots of time"
5. I am always eager to get projects started, but inevitably the projects sit waiting for the finishing touches to be completed.
6. Aaron is one of the most finicky sleepers I know. So since we have been married I have slept with the bathroom fan for background noise. As it turns out, I can’t sleep without it anymore. How is that, Aarons quirk transferred!!
7. I couldn’t think of another one for me, so I am going to share one of Aaron’s many. One of his choice cereals is Raisin Bran. He pours the cereal and the milk and then lets it sit for at least 5 minutes before he will eat it.
2015 Year in review
9 years ago
I sooooo enjoyed reading this, thanks!
I love your Blog, Allison-- glad I found you (Cerese's Blog)!
Your girls are gorgeous, just like their mom!
I love the braided my little ponies fetish! I think I might be the same if they were lying about my house.
I can understand the fan thing because I've just recently had to turn off the AC here and it is WAY to quiet at night.
Thanks for sharing!
That is sooooooo gross about the cereal, please let him know!!!! I like everything with the syrup on it mmmmmm tasty.
Fun quirks. I would never have a problem leaving ratty hair on dolls and toys. Heck, I don't have a problem with me and ratty hair! I like to let the milk be on the cereal for a minute or so if it's hard cereal, but it gets gummy way to fast.
Thanks for sharing! Glad you got to have such a fun visit with g&g
I love learning new things about you. We all have our own weird quirks! :)
My girls are lucky to get their hair done. The ponies are on their own. Thanks for sharing. I think it's fun.
Ok those are for sure things I didn't know-hilarious!
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